Diabetes is an auto-immune disease and therefore makes it a bit more difficult for us to build muscle, but it can be done, as long as you take take the right steps. Throughout my years of training and having diabetes I have gathered a lot of information about building muscle and staying lean. Of course I don't know all there is to know, but over time, through countless trial and error I have come up with some key tips to help diabetics (and people without) train effectively, build muscle and stay lean, all while keeping blood glucose levels within range (no need to worry about this if you're not diabetic, your body will take care of itself). Don't rub it in. 1) Check blood glucose . This has to be my first tip. I really can't emphasise enough how important it is to frequently check your blood sugar levels. Apart from leading to serious long term complications such as blindness, loss of limbs, alzheimer's disease and even putting a dint in your life expe...